Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Oh....I messed up this time....

Sophie seemed to be getting too hot while she spent time outside, and needed a trim. I really wanted to take her to the groomer, but on the same token, I don't want to be sued if she attacks them. Granted, I seriously doubt that a dog the size of a Guinea pig could do much damage, but you never know. Plus, it's kinda embarrassing the way she wigs out in public. I thought, surely it couldn't be that difficult, so I got an electric razor for dogs. It took a while to get her used to the sound. In retrospect, I should have just given up on the whole idea and sprung for a dog sedative at the vet's or something & had a pro do her hair. I tried using the guard, and the process was just so excruciatingly slow that I took it off. I tried, I really did, but she was starting to look like she'd gotten tangled up with a weed-whacker, at best, if not a slight case of the mange. I had some errands to run, so I decided to stop while I was ahead and just try to find a groomer willing to repair the damage I'd already done. Well, I probably should have discussed this with my daughter, because when I got home, Sophie was pretty much bald. Not an "even" bald either.... She was only trying to help.....I'm still finding fur everywhere. When my youngest daughter got home from her Dad's the next day, you'd have thought we'd killed the Soph and had her stuffed & mounted!!! She was so upset!! I guess I would be upset too if I came home and someone had turned my BFF (Best Furry Friend) into a naked mole-rat! Well, we got Sophie a dress to wear reason was to protect against sun-burn, and her reasoning was so the other dogs wouldn't make fun of her. At least we'd left the hair on her head and she didn't look completely ridiculas, but I admit, it really didn't help much... I'm not sure what I'll use those stupid clippers for in the future, but it certainly won't be on Sophie!!! Hmmmm....I guess I should have watched the dvd directions that came with it...? Wonder if I still have that?

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Soph does NOT need a friend

Oh boy. My daughter wants another dog so the Soph won't be "lonely." She's driving me nuts over it. Until a couple days ago, guess who had to do EVERYTHING for EVERY pet we've ever had? Yours truly. For two whole days, the kid takes care of her own dog, and that warrants my jumping up and getting another. Sometimes I wonder what planet kids live on in their mind, because it sure isn't this one. Sure, I'd like to get her a zoo, but geez! The cats are enough! I can't prove it, but I think they're the ones that keep losing my measuring tape. I say this because every time I forget to clean the litter box, there is a pile of cat poo, X marks the spot, in the path of where I have to walk through the garage to get in/out of my car. It varies. Sometimes, they go where I step out of the car, nowhere near the box. The Soph, kids & cats are enough to clean up after. I think I'd run away from home if I had anything else to deal with, and I'm already contemplating it as it is.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Salem Defended His Buddy Sophie!!

My neighbor's son told me that the other day his dog (Shepherd mix) got loose and went to play with Sophie (on her lanyard). He said Salem (my cat) came out of nowhere, stood between the dogs, and when his dog tried to get near Sophie, Salem attacked him!!! How cute!! My kitty is defending the dog!!! Well, Salem is a good 9 lbs larger in both height and girth than the Soph!!!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I'm a terrible pet-parent

I am trying to do everything I was taught in her Potty-Training class. It would work, were my communication skills more profficient! I take her from her crate to the puppy pad, and nothing.....ten minutes....nothing. I put her back into her crate, she arches her back into the poo stance. I say "no." Not yelling, just firm. To make a long story short, she apparently interprets this as "Never poop again." Back & forth each morning. Each afternoon, cleaning it up. I even put her food in her crate. She pooped in it. It's not her, it's me & my lack of skills at this! Why can't I just send her to boarding school for this!!!!!???? I'm calling her trainer tomorrow!!! Anyway....that's about all going on with my sweet baby Soph! The CATS, on the other hand....OH DEAR!!!

I just love birds. They are such graceful, beautiful, delicate creatures. Got some things to attract them this weekend. Filled up the hummingbird feeder with fresh mixture. I re-constructed an old satellite pole for a bird-feeder. Got a concrete (2 pc) bird bath (weighs a ton!). When I look out to see my beautiful, little birdies, the feeder is cocked over and the bird-bath bowl is on the ground. The cats have mistaken the feeder for their personal snack-shack, and the bath for a cat-feeder. What have I done? My friend, Ralph, says I made the cats a buffet!!! I did, unintentionally! How do I rectify this? I have created baited traps for my cats utilization, ultimately! To make matters worse, as my buddy D pointed out, the bird feeder is almost even with the top of a hill, which they could easily pounce from. I was already impressed with my dear felines' natural predatory skills, but this is taking it to a whole new level.... It's one thing that they catch prey naturally, but now I'm an accessory!!!! I feel so guilty!!!! I never wanted to give our feathered little friends the unfair advantage!!!! Give me a minute....I'll rectify this somehow with good old ingenuity!!!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Super Soph-Give that Girl a Cape

Sophie loves tv & her favorite channel is Animal Planet, go figure. She's watching a couple Orcas stalking a seal on a drifting chunk of ice, and barking. I wish I knew which one she was cheering for. Her little barks may be wishing I was the seal, lol, because her new potty-training regimen involves a small crate, of which she's less than thrilled. We're making some progress. She lets me know when she has to tinkle, but for whatever reason, not when she has to poop. She presses her furry little fanny against the back of the cage and tries to launch the stinky torpedos outside the crate. Sometimes she is successful. If I let her out and don't keep a close watch on her, she'll leave a puddle or a land mine in front of every doorway I frequently use. On a positive note, she's quickly learning the 'quiet' command, among others!
I think she's gained a pound in fur! I want to take her to a groomer, but until her anger issues are worked out, I don't think that's a good idea. I'm sure she's just being protective. She's Cujo around strangers. So, until then, I have to shave her behind to prevent another 'crap-catcher' from forming. Boy, was that disgusting! LOL! Se's riled up now barking at animal clips!!! I've never had a dog that watched tv before!!! (Why does it feel so odd calling her a dog?) She's my little genius!! If only she can learn to use her powers for good!! She's such a sweetie!! I love my baby girl! Well, I'm worn out from us chasing each other around the garage. :) Nite nite.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Gangsta Soph

I don't even know where to start. This girl has been raised to be a sweet little lap pooch. She was spoiled from birth. She wasn't born in a puppy-mill-ghetto. She was born into a loving home, where I adopted her into a loving family. It's not like she's on the streets with pit bulls or anything, fighting for scraps. Heck, she's 3.5 pounds, how far would she get anyway? She's a meal for a house cat & a light snack for a beagle, c'mon now! She had her potty-training class Saturday. I got her the cutest outfit! It was a 1-piece with a pink belt, a skirt, and a shirt with "Drama Queen" on the back. Very fitting to her personality. Well, we got to the class early, at PetSmart. A nice lady came up to us as I was holding her, walking through the store. When she commented on Soph's aggressiveness, I said, "Aww, just hold your hand out and let her sniff, and she'll be fine." She did, and Sophie bit her. OOPS! Usually, she chills out & sniffs, and makes friends. Evidently, that wasn't her day, because she bit 3 more people that day, including her teacher. Way to make friends, girl!!! Her trainer is the daughter of an associate of mine. She was wonderful! She is very gifted with dogs, well, except that Sophie is neurotic. She loved Sophie anyway :). I am confident that enrolling Sophie in her further education classes will help with the Soph's stress level. I must say, at the rate she's going, she's looking at a stroke in the near future! At home, she is such a doll & a sweetie!!! She's so kind & tiny!!! I can give her a tiny treat, and she takes forever to bite it from between my fingers so that her teeny teeth won't scratch my fingers!!! She's the most loving baby-doll I've ever had in my life! I think she'd be happier, were she not so stressed! This isn't the half of it! Afterwards, my friend, Rachel, called me and invited us to got for a walk with her and Tucker, her beautiful Lab pup. Tucker wanted so badly to befriend Soph, but she, barely the size of his head, nearly took his little nose off every time he came near her! I should have named her "Taz" like the tasmanian devil or something. "Cujo" would be very fitting. I have faith in my sweet girl though!!! I'm signing her up for the other classes in hopes that everyone can see her true personality instead of this rabid crazed freak! Then, we'll get us a real guard dog for her to hang out with. I know she means well trying to be my bouncer, but baby girl could get hurt bad by a thug hamster if she got too ballsy!!!!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

I need to explain to the Soph: This ain't Beverly Hills

I love my Soph. As much as I complain, I truly don't think I could live without her. However, I am questioning my loyalty to my teenage daughters, and am praying they'll get past this stage where they hate me every time I blink. My youngest is starting this stage. Were it not for the predators, I'd have a great blog about my girls, let me tell you! .....anyway. Back to the Soph! I try. I try so hard! I can't get it through her little furry head that she is to deficate OUTSIDE. I take her out repeatedly, yet she always comes in and makes numerous deposits INSIDE!!! I tried the pads, the spray, ect. Doesn't work. There's no 'easy' way to accomplish this. I take her out at night, and let her stay out a good while, to no avail.
I like for her to sleep with me, because I hate for her to be on the cold floor in her little bed. Besides, she's so sweet and cuddley! She's my little teddy bear! Where this goes south is about 5:00 AM, when I start smelling something strange. Of course I'm only vaguely conscious... [To give her credit, she hasn't pooped in the bed in a good while. Yay! That was really disgusting!!!] I understand she's small and can't hold her liquid, but what confuses me is WHY does she do it, merely inches away from my face and, in addition, right where my hip lies? Both places!!! Not every night, but enough nights to leave me wondering. I'm starting to take it personally. Hmmmm.. I am starting to see the point of the pet-psychiatrists in Beverly Hills. If that's her angle, I need to communicate with with her. This is Alabama. We don't have those, but we do have Taxidermists.
LOL!!! Just kidding!!! We start potty training classes very soon!!! I love my baby, but if she doesn't want to sleep in a kennel, she better stop this!